Black Canyon City Water Improvement District (BCCWID) REGULAR Board Meeting's are held monthly on the fourth Tuesday of each month except for June and August which are dark months (No Regular Meetings are held). SPECIAL Board Meetings may be held at any reasonable time that the public would normally be able to attend, provided proper advance NOTICE is given.
The Board Meeting minutes are audio recorded, transcribed, and made available in the office for the public to access during business hours in accordance with the Arizona Open Meeting Law. Transcribed minutes will be posted here as promptly as possibe. Video recordings of Meetings can be accessed on this YouTube channel and are normally posted immediately after the meeting. The key portions of every set of minutes are the Treasurer's Report, the Operations Report, and the Actions of the Board. The minutes are written in the order the activities occurred and comply with State Laws, presenting as complete a record of what transpired as possible. The transcript of the minutes is presented for approval of the Board at the next Regular Meeting.
Board Meetings:
All meetings are held in accordance with the Arizona Open Meetings Law with agendas being posted in advance. In addition to the regular meetings, Special and Emergency Board Meetings may be called from time to time as needed. A formal meeting is the only time the Board can make decisions regarding the District. A quorum must be present to proceed (three of more members) and any decisions require a majority vote. The primary purpose is to discuss finances, operations, and the agenda items published for the meeting. Public involvement at the time is expected to be minimal and solely when recognized by the Chair. The Chair attempts to move the meeting along so it will finish in a reasonable period of time. The General Public is limited to addressing the Board with their comments, suggestions and/or complaints on issues or matters of concern at the end of the formal meeting during a period of Public Call. Those wishing to address the Board need not request permission in advance. However, Board action during Public Call is limited by law to the Board directing staff, or possibly a Board member, to further study the matter and report later or by placing the matter on the agenda of an upcoming Board meeting for further consideration and/or decision by the Board.
If you cannot locate the information you are looking for, please call the office at 623-374-9408 and we will gladly assist you.